WG1: Publication of joint document of Japan-Germany cooperation in the field of industrial cyber security
Robot Revolution & Industrial IoT Initiative (RRI) and Plattform Industrie 4.0 (PI4.0) announced a joint statement in April 2016 and began coordinating activities. In the field of industrial cybersecurity, we issued a joint statement in March 2017, and announced the points of discussion and future cooperation policies between Japan and Germany. After that, regular expert meetings were held between Japan and Germany. And at the 13th German-Japanese Economic Forum at Hanover Messe 2019, experts on industrial cybersecurity are on stage to report on the progress and to announce a common position paper.
●Japan-Germany common position paper in the field of industrial cyber security:
Facilitating International Cooperation for Secure Industrial Internet of Things / Industrie 4.0 2019
By strengthening cooperation between Japan and Germany, we aim to make industrial security requirements concrete and lead discussions in the future.
Robot Revolution & Industrial IoT Initiative secretariat E-Mail: office@jmfrri.gr.jp