About RRI (Robot Revolution & Industrial IoT Initiative)

  The Robot Revolution & Industrial IoT Initiative (RRI) is a private-led organizational platform to promote the “Robot Revolution” stated in the “New Robot Strategy” (2015/2/10, The Headquarters for Japan’s Economic Revitalization). In “New Robot Strategy”, robot is widely defined as a system that execute tasks by utilizing digital and network technology, advanced sensors, and artificial intelligence, and the strategy aims the following targets. RRI is acting as an open innovation platform for wide range of stakeholders to collaborate and make concrete actions to realize these targets.


Robot revolution aims for:
    1) Drastic enhancement of robot creation power to be the world leading robot innovation base
    2) World leading robot utilizing society
    3) Demonstrating of initiative in the world for  the new robot age with IoT technology



Establishment of RRI

May, 2014 Prime minister Abe stated that “Japan will make a new industry revolution by robot at the OECD council at ministerial level.
Sep, 2014 Established “Robot Revolution Realization Council“ in  the Office of the Prime Minister.
Jan, 2015 Published “New Robot Strategy” stated establishment of RRI.
May, 2015 Establishment of Robot Revolution Initiative(RRI) with 226 members (associations, companies, individuals), currently 500 members (7,Nov.,2017)



Role of RRI in Connected Industries