WG1 The Industrial Machinery Steering Committee activities outcome 2nd

21st March, 2017
Robot Revolution Initiative


WG for manufacturing business revolution through IoT
The Industrial Machinery Steering Committee


Toward Realization of Smart Manufacturing Systems
A cyber-physical manufacturing system enhanced with collective knowledge


In order to maintain and improve the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry, implementation of smart manufacturing is crucial. As a case of this implementation, we have investigated the concept of cyber-physical manufacturing systems with collaborative knowledge, and interfaces that transfer various on-site knowledge and judgments of human to the cyber space for productivity improvement. Herewith the report of this study is released as a result of one of the activities of the Industrial Machinery Steering Committee formed in WG for manufacturing business revolution through IoT of Robot Revolution Initiative.


In continuation of the activity of the previous year, in which the improvement of a machining process with information collected from a machine tool has studied, the Industrial Machinery Steering Committee has considered information modeling of use cases such as operation state tracking, quality control, and predictive maintenance, and interfaces that transfer on-site knowledge and judgments of human to the cyber space as core components of cyber-physical manufacturing systems. The Committee will promote international collaboration toward realization of smart manufacturing, in which the concept of cyber physical manufacturing systems enhanced with collaborative knowledge is introduced. The standardization of interface for smart manufacturing is an example theme of such collaboration.



Document 1: Series: Toward Realization of Smart Manufacturing Systems
Case: A cyber-physical manufacturing system enhanced with collective knowledge

Document 2: Summary of Document 1


Robot Revolution Initiative 
Tel: +81-3-3434-6571
E-Mail: office@jmfrri.gr.jp

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Industrial Machinery Division
Manufactring Industries Bureau
Tel: +81-3-3501-1691