WG1 The Industrial Machinery Steering Committee activities outcome 1st
WG for manufacturing business revolution through IoT
The Industrial Machinery Steering Committee
Toward Realization of Smart Manufacturing Systems
Improvement of the Machining Process Productivity Based on the Machine Tool Technology
In order to maintain and improve the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry, implementation of smart manufacturing accompanied with the evolution of “Kaizen” with IoT technologies is crucial. As a case of this implementation, we have conducted a study about the design of mechanism that improves machining processes based on machine tool technology, and summarized the basic direction toward widespread realization of smart manufacturing. Herewith the report of this study is released as a result of one of the activities of the Industrial Machinery Steering Committee formed in WG1 (WG for manufacturing business revolution through IoT) of Robot Revolution Initiative.
The Industrial Machinery Steering Committee has studied necessary measurements for the implementation of smart manufacturing in a case of the improvement of a machining process from a perspective of the machine tool user with information collected from the machine tool. Based on this study, we do not only provide machines but also promote new services available with IoT technologies, and further contribute to the improvement of productivity as “Manufacturing Service Providers”.
Robot Revolution Initiative
Tel: +81-3-3434-6571
E-Mail: office@jmfrri.gr.jp URL: https://www.jmfrri.gr.jp/english/
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Industrial Machinery Division
Manufacturing Industries Bureau
Tel: +81-3-3501-1691