We are pleased to inform you that The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and RRI will co-host “The Robot Revolution and Industrial IoT International Symposium 2018” subtitled “Industrial IoT Future Images and International Standards Connecting the World”.
Future image to achieve sustainable growth by quickly realizing business ideas by connecting machines, systems and people all over the world: “Platform Economy”. With the keynote speech of Prof. Dr. Henning Kagermann as an evangelist, International experts and RRI representatives will discuss about the future of the manufacturing industry and international standardization (including: industrial security) that realizes it.

   We would like to invite you to participate.


Date & Time : 

     13:00 – 17:10
     Friday, October 19, 2018


Place :

    Main Stage, East 6 Hall, Tokyo Big Sight


 Application for entry :

   Please apply from the site of World Robot Summitm 2018 below.

 1) Pre-registration of World Robot Summit 2018
 2) Select 10/19 (Friday) from the stage program
 3) Please check the application of 6M – 8 “Robot Revolution / Industry Io International Symposium 2018” 
       ~ Industry IoT Future Image and International Standards Connected to the World ~.



The Robot Revolution and Industrial IoT International Symposium 2018
 – Industrial IoT Future Images and International Standards Connecting the World –
   Welcoming Remarks, Mr. Koji Inoue  (Director-General, Manufacturing Industries Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)

Speech 1
 “Update from RRI:  Systematic approach by creating Future Images with Industrial IoT”(TBD)  Mr. Hideaki Omiya (Chairperson, RRI)

[Session 1] Business Future images of Manufacturing and Service with IIoT
  Speech 2
  “Future Images of industry from Germany” (TBD) Mr. Markus Heß (Deputy Director General, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy)
  Speech 3
  “Future images of industry from Europe” Mr. Thomas Walloschke (Director, Fujitsu Distinguished Engineer, Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH, AIOTI chair of Steering Board and WG11 chair)
  Speech 4
 “Future Images of industry from Korea” (TBD) Prof. Dong Kim (Head, Institute for Future Industry Strategy/Chair Professor, UNIST)
  Keynote Speech
 “Plattform Economy needs international actions” (TBD) Dr. Henning Kagermann (Chair of the Board of Trustees, acatech)
Break (Question sheets are collected from the audience.)

Panel Discussion : Moderator: Mr. Naoaki Fujino (Leader of Intelligence and marketing team, RRI, NRI)
     Dr. Henning Kagermann
     Mr. Markus Heß
     Mr. Thomas Walloschke
     Prof. Dong Kim
     Mr. Kiyoshi Mizukami (Industrial IoT Chief Specialist, RRI / Hitachi)

[Session 2] Harmonizing Smart Manufacturing Standards with Future Images, including Industrial Security
  Speech 5
 “Platform Economy and Standardization” Dr. Ulrich Löwen (Plattform Industrie 4.0 / Senior Principal Key Expert Engineer, Siemens)

Speech 6
“Platform Economy and Trustworthiness standardization” Dr. Wolfgang Klasen (Plattform Industrie 4.0 / Head of Security for Embedded Systems, Industry4.0, IoT, Siemens)


Panel Discussion : Moderator:  Prof. Fumihiko Kimura (Chairman of International Standard AG, RRI /  The Univ. of Tokyo)
      Dr. Ulrich Löwen
      Mr. Takenori Baba (Use Case TF, RRI / Mitsubishi Electric)
      Dr. Wolfgang Klasen
      Dr. Takeshi Yoneda (Industrial Security AG, RRI / Mitsubishi Electric)

  Closing Remarks, Michitaka Nakatomi (Management Secretary, RRI )

 Simultaneous interpretation available in Japanese and English


 RRI  E-mail: office@jmfrri.gr.jp