
The 3rd RRI International Symposium for Connected Industries Report

  We held the 3rd RRI International Symposium (November 30) and discussed with the experts of the relevant countries concerned about the future of the manufacturing industry, international standardization, and industrial security, and deepened mutual understanding.
  The video (YouTube) and materials of this symposium will be posted below.


 Thursday, November 30, 2017 @ Tokyo Big Sight 


The video (YouTube) and materials of this symposium

1st part Connected Industries International Symposium

  Program  Video materials 

 Welcoming Remarks 
Mr. Kosaburo Nishime
(Deputy Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry)


Keynote Speec
 “The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Society 5.0”
Mr. David Aikman (Member of the Executive Committee,
World Economic Forum)

Video  PDF

Speech 1
“Public-private collaboration and RRI for Connected Industries”
Mr. Hideaki Omiya (Chairperson,

 Video  PDF

Speech 2
“Industrie 4.0 needs international action”
Mr. Markus Heß (Deputy Director General, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy)

Video  PDF

Speech 3
“"Made in China 2025" and Industrial Internet”
Ms. Li Haihua (Vice Chief Engineer, China Academy of Information and Communications Technology)

Video  PDF

Speech 4
“Overview of IIC and Industrial Analytics: Fueling the IIoT Revolution”
Mr. Wael William Diab (Chair
of Industrial Analytics TG, Technology WG and Liaison WG. SC Member, IIC)

 Video  PDF


2nd Part : RRI Industrial IoT International Symposium
- Connected Industries -

  Program Video materials 

Announcement for RRI & IIC Collaboration MoU
Dr. Tomoaki Kubo (Secretary General, RRI ) and Mr. Wael William Diab (Chair of Industrial Analytics TG, Technology WG and Liaison WG. SC Member, IIC)


Keynote Speech
 “ARENA2036 – A New World of Joint Research and Innovation” 
 Dr. Mirko Bordignon (Group manager - Software Engineering and System Integration, Robot and Assistive Systems Department, Fraunhofer IPA)

Video PDF


 [Session 1] Future image of Manufacturing and Service with IIoT

 Moderator: Mr. Naoaki Fujino (Leader of Intelligence and marketing team, RRI, NRI)

Video PDF
 Speech 1
 CTU in Prague, CIIRC, and the National Centre forIndustry 4.0

 Dr. Roman Holý (Director, National Center for Industry 4.0)

 Speech 2
 Faster Transition to a Connected Industry – The Swedish Way

 Mr. Johan Harvard (Head of Section -Connected Industry / new materials, Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation)

 Speech 3
 Japan / RRI’s insight
 Mr. Toru Ishikuma (Head of Use Case Taskforce, RRI, Azbil)
Panel Discussion
 Dr. Mirko Bordignon
 Dr. Roman Holý
 Mr. Johan Harvard
 Mr. Wael William Diab
 Ms. Li Haihua (CAICT)
 Mr. Toru Ishikuma

[Session 2] Harmonizing Smart Manufacturing Standards with usecases
 Moderator: Prof. Fumihiko Kimura (Chairman of International Standard AG, RRI, The Univ. of Tokyo)

Video PDF

 Practical application of openAAS (open Asset Administration Shell)
 Dr. Ulrich Löwen (Siemens)


 ’Functional-level Use Case’ drawn by Germany–Japan standardization experts
 Mr. Toru Ishikuma

 Clarifying and Assisting Smart Manufacturing standardization with URM-MM
 Dr. Youichi Nonaka (International Standard AG, RRI, Hitachi)

 Panel Discussion
 Dr. Ulrich Löwen
 Mr. Toru Ishikuma
 Dr. Youichi Nonaka


[Session 3] Extracting Industrial Security Issues with usecases
Moderator: Prof. Tsutomu Matsumoto (Chairman of Industrial Security AG, RRI, Yokohama National Univ.)


 Security for Industry 4.0 Trends -- Challenges -- Opportunities
 Dr. Wolfgang Klasen (Head of Security for Embedded Systems, Industry4.0, IoT, Siemens)


 Industrial Security - EU Updates 
 Mr.Thomas Walloschke (Director, Fujitsu Distinguished Engineer, Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH, AIOTI WG11 chair)


Industrial security Requirements -extracted from discussion on a cross organization use case
 Dr. Takeshi Yoneda (Industrial Security AG, RRI, Mitsubishi Electric)

 Panel Discussion
 Dr. Wolfgang Klasen
 Mr. Thomas Walloschke
 Mr. Steffen Zimmermann (Head of Industrial Security, VDMA)
 Mr. Lukas Linke (Manager Security, Safety/Security Division, ZVEI)
 Dr. Takeshi Yoneda
  Closing Remarks
Toshio Adachi (Management Secretary, RRI )

 Some will be posted at a later date


Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
To see the video clip titled "Envision the Future of Japanese Manufacturing: When Traditional Factory Connects to Digital World", click hereexternal link(in Japanese).