Robot Revolution Initiative and Plattform Industrie4.0, which is the promotion initiative of Industrie 4.0 of Germany, agreed to cooperate in field of IoT / Industrie 4.0, and published a joint statement on April 28th, 2016 ( Both organizations have been cooperating towards solving various kinds of problems related to IoT / Industrie 4.0 such as cyber security and standardization. Both organizations published the results of the cooperation to the world at CeBIT (20th – 24th, Mar), an IT exhibition in Germany, where Japan is the partner country this year.
– Industrial Cyber Security
Both organizations published a common position paper in which discussion issues on industrial cyber security and future works for cooperation are summarized. Robot Revolution Initiative is going to establish the Industrial Cyber Security Action Group under Working Group 1 to deepen the cooperation between Germany and Japan.
– International Standardization
International Standardization Action Group of Robot Revolution Initiative held expert meetings with German side for five times. Based on those discussions both organizations published a common strategy paper in which discussion issues and future works are summarized. We will continue to cooperate to deepen the discussions between both experts
– Usecase Map
Robot Revolution Initiative built a Japanese usecase map to share the use cases with Germany, whose usecase map was already built it in advance.
As a private organization, Robot Revolution Initiative is going to cooperate with Germany towards solving of various kind of problems on IoT / Industrie 4.0.
Robot Revolution Initiative