We are pleased to inform you that METI (The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) and RRI (Robot Revolution and Industrial IoT Initiative) will co-host “The Robot Revolution and Industrial IoT International Symposium 2019” subtitled “Global tops talk : Future Vision of Industrial IoT: Requirements and Approaches”.
It is an era where changes are accelerated by various technologies including AI. The evolution of these technologies will greatly affect the relationship with people. The future vison on this aspect will be discussed by Japanese, American, and German research leaders. In addition, we will introduce overseas practice on system approach effectively solving problems, and Japan-Germany collaboration in industrial IoT field.
Date & Time :
13:00 – 17:00
Thursday, ThursDecember 19, 2019
Place :
Tokyo Big Sight
Application for entry :
Please apply from the site of International Robot Exhibition 2019 below.
1) Pre-registration of International Robot Exhibition 2019
2) Select Dec. 19 (Wed.) from the seminar program
3) Please check the application of
K-3 “The Robot Revolution and Industrial IoT International Symposium 2019”.
The Robot Revolution and Industrial IoT International Symposium 2019 |
Welcoming Remarks Mr. Shuzo Takada, Director-General, Manufacturing Industries Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry |
“The path to the future vision of industrial IoT: the future of man and machine, and system approach” |
“New Strategic Developments in Germany and our bilateral Cooperation with Japan” |
[Session 1] Future vision in globalized community | |
“Robotics Innovation to Amplify People” |
“A new paradigm of human-machine collaboration” |
“Supporting human engineering activities by Digital Triplett” |
Panel Discussion |
[Session 2] System approach in diverse perspectives | |
“IIC: Learning How to Build Industrial IoT Systems” |
“Sustainable Research Strategies for Smart Production Technologies” |
“A System Approach for Establishing a Trusted Data Sharing Architecture” |
“Japan-Germany experts collaboration toward Industrial Revolution” |
Panel Discussion |
Closing Remarks Mr.Michitaka Nakatomi, Management Secretary, Robot Revolution & Industrial IoT Initiative |
Simultaneous interpretation available in Japanese and English
RRI E-mail: office@jmfrri.gr.jp